The #1 Priority: Jesus | Luke 9:57-62
Overview: In this passage, Jesus interacts with three individuals, highlighting the priority of following Him in motivation, importance, and commitment.
I. Motivation for Following Jesus (Luke 9:57-58)
II. Importance of Following Jesus (Luke 9:59-60)
III. Commitment to Following Jesus (Luke 9:61-62)
Reflective Questions
Overview: In this passage, Jesus interacts with three individuals, highlighting the priority of following Him in motivation, importance, and commitment.
I. Motivation for Following Jesus (Luke 9:57-58)
- Excited to Follow Jesus (v57)
- One person declares his intention to follow Jesus anywhere.
- Attracted to Jesus' reputation: great teacher and miracle worker.
- Question: What excites us about following Jesus? Stability, financial peace, or a "normal" life?.
- When we make those our conditions for following Jesus, then’s he’s not our motivation.
- Expectations for Following Jesus (v58)
- Jesus’ response highlights that the man’s motivation may very well be based on wrong expectations.
- Here we learn that Jesus’ motivation was not status or position according to the world’s standards. Jesus was focused on the will of the Father, which was preaching forgiveness of sins and pursuing the cross. This would not win Jesus a huge worldly following, but rejection by the world. Resulting in having no where on this planet to go, similar to the rejection by the Samaritan Village.
- Zoom out, big picture, and look at Jesus’ life: no place to be born, betrayed by friends, denied by friends, hated and sent to the cross, alone.
- The right expectation for those who wish to follow Jesus: same belief as Jesus, same message as Jesus, similar cost to Jesus.
- What’s Your Motivation for Following Jesus?
- Are we in love with the idea of Jesus? Or are we in love with Jesus?
- When our motivation to follow Christ is based on conditions, when we encounter difficulty our responses could be similar to the Disciples: betrayal, denial, abandonment of the Lord.
- Our motivation to follow Christ should be love for Jesus, inspired by His love for us (1 John 4:19).
- When our motivation has the right focus, we know that God will provide for our needs, even in difficulties. When we trust God, even when hardship come our way, we can hold on to the promise of John 16:33.
- If Christ is our #1 priority, we will follow him, not for what he’ll do for us, but because of what he has already done for us.
II. Importance of Following Jesus (Luke 9:59-60)
- A Call to Follow (v59-60)
- Jesus calls another man, who requests to bury his father first.
- Burial in Jewish tradition was urgent (same day), but Jesus’ response, “Let the dead bury their own dead,” highlights the urgency and importance of proclaiming God’s Kingdom.
- Life and Death (v60)
- Proclaiming the Kingdom is the only thing that can bring life; it is a matter of life and death.
- Jesus’ intent was not for the man to dishonor his father. That would go counter to God’s Word. However, Jesus’ intent was for him to follow Jesus with an emphasis of importance on the Kingdom of God.
- Is Jesus Most Important?
- If so, it might cost you comfort, security, and more. If he is most important, you’ll carry his message with urgency Since it is a matter of life and death, since proclaiming the gospel is a command straight from our Lord, can you think of anything more important?
- Application:
- Drastic Importance: Read about Abraham’s obedience in Genesis 22.
- Following Jesus often calls for drastic adjustments. Those drastic adjustments often lead us to either choosing God, or choosing something else.
- There is nothing more important than listening to, and following, God’s Word.
III. Commitment to Following Jesus (Luke 9:61-62)
- Another Reasonable Request (v61)
- The third man asked to bid farewell to his family. When called by Elijah, Elisha had a similar request (compare to 1 Kings 19).
- God’s call takes precedent over everything and demands our highest commitment.
- All-In Commitment (v62)
- (Phi 3:13-14)
- Specifically: follow me now.
- Generally: full commitment, with no turning back. (Compare to Lot’s Wife). In her heart, she never truly committed to following the Lord. Same for us if we hesitate & look back.
- Application: Be all in, with no option to look back
- Follow Jesus: He's calling us to be all in, not perfect. He takes care of covering us.
- Commit fully to Jesus without turning back.
- Reflect on areas where we make excuses and where we look back.
- Avoid sin and distractions that pull us away from Jesus.
- Bottom Line: Make Jesus our number one priority in motivation, importance, and commitment.
Reflective Questions
- What is your current motivation for following Jesus? Is it centered on worldly gains or genuine love for Him?
- How do you prioritize Jesus in your daily life? Are there areas where you need to make Him more important?
- Are you fully committed to following Jesus, or are there distractions and fallback options that hinder your commitment?
Joshua Leis