The Immanence & Transcendence of God

The Immanence & Transcendence of God

  • Definition: God’s presence and activity within nature, humans, and history.
  • Biblical References: Gen 1:2, Gen 2:7, Jer 23:24, Job 27:3, Job 33:4, Job 34:14-15, Ps 104:29-30, Acts 17:27-28.
  • Implications:
    1. God is not limited to working directly to accomplish his purpose. In other words, God can work through his created agents to accomplish his purposes.
    2. Example: God miraculously heals, but also works through surgeons to bring healing
    3. God isn’t limited to working through only Christian organizations. God can work through non-Christian and nominally Christian people and organizations to accomplish his will.
      • Example: Chastening of Israel by pagan leader (Isa 44:28).
      • Example: Rebuilding of the Temple, funded by pagan leader (Ezr 1:2-4).
    4. When biblical truth is not violated, Christians and the church can work with non-Christians for God’s purposes.
    5. God’s immanence makes a way for non-believers to come into contact with the gospel of Christ (Matt 1, Luke 1, Matt 28:18-20, Acts 1:8).
  • Personal Reflection and Application:
    1. How can an understanding of God’s immanence encourage you in your  walk with Christ?  
    2. Where do you see opportunities to join God’s work in your community or workplace, even through non-Christian individuals or organizations?  
    3. What steps can you take this week to reflect God’s presence and activity in the way you live and interact with others?  

  • Definition: God is separate from and independent of nature and humans. God is superior to his creation.
  • Biblical References: Isa 55:8-9, Isa 6:1-5, Isaiah 57:15, Ps 113:5-6, Ps 123:1, Jn 8:23
  • Implications:
    1. There is something higher than humans.
    2. God, truth, and value are not determined by a shifting world, but by a high and exalted God.
    3. God can never be completely captured by human concepts.
    4. Our salvation is not our achievement.
    5. There will always be a difference between God and humans.
    6. We ought to have reverence to and for God in our relationship to him.
    7. We should expect and anticipate genuinely transcendent working by God.
  • Personal Reflection and Application:
    • How does an understanding of God’s transcendence shape your prayer life and worship?  
    • In what areas of your life do you need to acknowledge that God’s ways are higher than your own?  
    • What practical steps can you take to show reverence for God in your daily life?

Definitions, implications, and biblical support references were derived from the following resource:
Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology. 3rd ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013. 

Josh Leis